Robert F. Kennedy Jr's tale i Phoenix d. 23. august 2024
Talen der kommer op på siden af John F. Kennedys tale til USAs presse i 1961. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (RFK) balancerer næsten lige så mange sandheder som hans onkel gjorde over 60 år tidligere.
OBS: Inden du læser dette opslag og ser disse videoer, så skal du vide at jeg hverken stoler på Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Donald Trump eller John F. Kennedy. Jeg vil dog sige at sidstnævntes tale d. 27. april 1961 til USAs presse, er så fuld af de sandheder som nu over 60 år senere alle kommer op til overfladen.
RFK støtter op om Donald Trumps præsident-valgkamp
Ved en tale i Phoenix, Arizona, d. 23. august 2024 meddelte RFK at han suspenderer sin egen valgkamp om at blive præsident i USA, til fordel for Donald Trumps valgkamp.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr., der er nevø af hans endnu mere berømte onkel, John F. Kennedy, ser flere sammenfald med Donald Trumps politik, som har betydning for hans valg om at støtte Trump. Det er Trumps politik om at stoppe krigen i Ukraine og om at beskytte amerikanske børn mod kemikalier og toksiner i fødevarer og medicin. Det sidste har været RFKs mærkesag i årtier, hvor han har arbejdet med sagen i hans organisation Childrens Health Defense.
Du kan høre hele RFKs tale på linket herunder.
Donald Trump holdte en tale ved sit såkaldte ‘rally’ (vælgermøde) i Glendale, Arizona, senere samme dag. Ved dette rally inviterer han RFK til at holde en tale. Se både Trumps og RFKs taler i Glendale på nedenstående link:
Selvom jeg kan glæde mig over at der kommer nogle sandheder ud til verdens, og især den amerikanske, befolkning, så må jeg konstatere at det ikke er uden lidt malurt i bægeret.
Et problem jeg har med begge disse præsident-emner, er, at ingen af dem vil stoppe Israels folkemord i Palæstina, da de begge støtter op om Israel og ikke vil klandre den israelske leder Benjamin Netanyahu for det folkemord hans apartheid-lignende styre er i gang med.
Men der er vel ingen som overhovedet får lov til at sige noget negativt om Israel i USA, da den israelske lobby er bomstærk ‘over there’. Så nogen gange må man nøjes over at glæde sig over lidt, hvilket er det jeg gør med dette opslag: Nemlig at nogle sandheder som hidtil har fået meget lidt ‘airtime’ i USA, nu bliver luftet i offentligheden: Krigen i Ukraine og forgiftningen af USAs befolkning (og børnene!).
RFKs onkel holdte en endnu vildere tale over 60 år tidligere
Jeg vil gerne sammenligne RFKs tale med hans onkels tale til USAs presse i 1961 kort efter JFK var blevet valgt til USAs præsident. Du kan se talen på linket herunder, og jeg har klistret et transkript af talen ind nedenunder.
Talen handler i den grad om det dybe stat og alle de fortrædeligheder mod verdens befolkning som den har været i gang med i minimum 60 år (grangiveligt meget længere!).
Transcript fra JF Kennedys tale:
ladies and gentlemen the very word
secrecy is repugnant in a free and open
society and we are as a people
inherently and historically opposed to
secret societies to secret oaths and to
secret proceedings we decided long ago
that the dangers of excessive and
unwarranted concealment of pertinent
facts far outweighed the dangers which
are cited to justify it even today there
is little value in opposing the threat
of a closed society by imitating its
arbitrary restrictions even today there
is little value in insuring the survival
of our nation if our traditions do not
survive with it and there is very grave
danger that an announced need for
increased security will be seized upon
by those anxious to expand its meaning
to the very limits of official
censorship and concealment that I do not
intend to permit to the extent that it's
in my control and no official of my
administration whether his rank is high
or low civilian or military should
interpret my words here tonight as an
excuse to censor the news to stifle
dissent to cover up our mistakes or to
withhold from the press and the public
the facts they deserve to know but we
are opposed around the world by a
monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that
relies primarily on covert means for
expanding its sphere of influence on
infiltration instead of invasion on
subversion instead of Elections on
intimidation instead of free choice on
guerrillas by night instead of armies by
day it is a system which has conscripted
vast human and material resources into
the building of a tightly knit highly
efficient machine that combines military
matic intelligence economic scientific
and political operations it's
preparations are concealed not published
its mistakes are buried not headlined
it's dissenters are silenced not praised
no expenditure is questioned no rumor is
printed no secret is revealed no
president should fear public scrutiny of
his program for from that scrutiny comes
understanding and from that
understanding comes support or
opposition and both are necessary I am
NOT asking your newspapers to support an
administration but I am asking your help
and the tremendous task of informing and
alerting the American people for I have
complete confidence and the response and
dedication of our citizens whenever they
are fully informed I not only could not
stifle controversy among your readers I
welcome it
this administration intends to be candid
about its errors for as a wise man once
said an era doesn't become a mistake
until you refuse to correct it
we intend to accept full responsibility
for our errors and we expect you to
point them out when we miss them without
debate without criticism no
administration and no country can
succeed and no Republic can survive that
is why the Athenian lawmaker Solon
decreed it a crime for any citizen to
shrink from controversy and that is why
our press was protected by the First
Amendment the only business in America
specifically protected by the
Constitution not primarily to amuse and
entertain not to emphasize the trivial
and the sentimental not to simply give
the public what it wants but to inform
to arouse to reflect to state our
dangers and our opportunities to
indicate our crises and our choices to
lead mold educate and sometimes
anga public opinion this means greater
coverage and analysis of international
news for it is no longer far away and
foreign but close at hand and local it
means greater attention to improved
understanding of the news as well as
improved transmission and it means
finally that government at all levels
must meet its obligation to provide you
with the fullest possible information
outside the narrowest limits of national
security and so it is to the printing
press to the recorder of man's deeds the
keeper of his conscience the courier of
his news that we look for strength and
assistance confident that with your help
man will be what he was born to be free
and independent
På den ene side er det jo nogle gode og rigtige ting han siger. Så er der også lige alt det andet, det han ikke siger.
Lige præcis! Robert F. Kennedy Jr. undlader at nævne Israels folkemord! Ikke ét ord! Det er skammeligt!