Super vigtig og flot klaret samtale, Flemming! Og så er det i den grad vand på min mølle - endnu en ting, som det har været svært at overbevise flere såkaldt vågne om. De har simpelthen ikke villet lytte til de facts, som jeg såmænd fandt hos teleselskaberne themselves! OG det vrimler absolut ikke med 5G master overalt, som det påstås! SÅ en del af den stråleskade som nogle føler her i mit område kan fortsat ikke skyldes de 5G-master, som ikke står her.

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JW-Tv is worth following, as he is going deeply into graphene oxide and other relevant topics, which is hard to find.

As example his last video:


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1000 tak Flemming!

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Ryan was so rude to her and she hardly got a chance to talk and by then she seemed to be self censoring herself.

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I’m watching closely. I even celebrated, but when I saw the news and documents from the WHO. No, that’s not a good thing. But I’m not sure if they don’t want to talk because they’re in the game, however, I’ll be more attentive. I mean, no one wants to believe or accept reality. Maybe that’s it.

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Yes, that is a possible explanation. However, I do regard them as quite intelligent, so I have very little doubt that this is another PsyOp. It is meant to make sure that no one discusses IHR amendments before people have moved on to the next topic (Rafah, 3rd WW, Ukraine, Economic crash, fill-in-the-blanks). But yes, it is tempting to see the best in everybody. Unfortunately, that is what got us in the mess we are in:(

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Thank you for doing what you do in your part of the world😊 thank you for being there on the ground in Geneva, when so many of us, who have been fighting this 4.5yr skirmish, called "covid" or "plandemic". And thank you for being one of perhaps 2000 people to realise that the IHR amendments have been illegally passed, against protecols, and completely overriding public opinion.🤐😤🤦‍♀️

Respectfully though, half the criticisms you have directed at both Cole, and Big tree are purely opinion and speculative. I'd suggest showing concrete evidence, lest you get accused of "controlled opposition". Either way, true or false, people are freaking tired of the finger pointing accusations from those proporting to be fighting the same war, yet still profiting. Let he who is without a single $$$ made from Convid19, cast the first accusation😐😐🤔😉🤣😂

#tiredfullstop #stoptheshot #wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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Look at the facts, my friend. At best the mentioned people are just ignorants with high egos. At worst...

The fact that Astrid Stückelberger got the - by far - loudest welcome-applause by participants on Saturday should make a few people stop and think.

Please provide some facts, or at least arguements if you are disaggreeing with anything I write.

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Respectfully, I'd ask you reread my comment. I believe thats what I was asking you to do- provide facts for your statements, not opinion.

Your absolutely correct re ignorance and/or ego being involved, and I certainly don't dispute Astrid's work since I've been following her work for 4yrs😉

My comment was purely, to point out mudslinging between those saying that they are working towards saving humanity, does nothing to open people's minds. It just closes them tighter. Rather than bitching about Cole and co, what useful knowledge can you bring your readers?🤔🤔😐🤨

Have sisu. #wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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Concrete evidence is in the IHR documents!

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