- Meget interessant, omend ikke overraskede.

Dr. Dunegan anvendte en enkelt gang betegnelsen >>gentiles<< (!?!) for almindelige mennesker, da han citerede Dr. Day.

- Og Rockefellers mente tilsyneladende, at Kristendommen skulle udryddes..!?!

- Meget interessant, når man nu hører, at det er Jesuitterne, The Black Nobility og Vatikanet, der først og fremmest står bag disse horrible planer!?!

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Ja, det er interessant.

Gentiles bliver normalt brugt om ikke-jøder i jødisk/krypto-jødisk/zionistisk sammenhæng. Men det betyder jo egentlig bare hedninge, altså ikke-troende (og så skal man lige regne ud hvad det er for en religion der ikke tros på).

Ja, det er også min forståelse på nuværende tidspunkt at jesuitterne og dermed den katolske kirke, er dem der får tingene til at ske.

Sammenholder man det med William Boots afsløringer af jesuitternes magt over frimurerne, så begynder billedet for alvor at tegne sig:


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Ja, “gentiles” = hedninge og “goyim” = kvæg, er jøders betegnelser for “ikke-jøder.” Derfor undrede det mig, at Dr. Day, som holdt foredraget på vegne af David Rockefeller, tilsyneladende havde benyttet betegnelsen “gentiles” om os, almindelige dødelige. For det betyder jo egentlig, at Rockefellers & Co. IKKE er “kristne” jesuitter, men (krypto-)jødiske zionister/talmudister..!?!

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Interesting. About Tape 2, min 24:35: 'Music would carry messages'.

I see messages in songs. Eg. A few years ago, I happened to listen to Mike and The Mechanics from 1991 'Word of mouth...' and I suddenly heard the phrace ‘…you have to read between the lines…’. This caused me to look up the lyrics of the song. Especially verse 6 has meaning for me:

1; Now the world is getting older

There's a few things to be said

Do you believe the things they told you

Do you believe the things you've read

2: There's a rumour on the corner

But it's always been denied

Cause they don't want you any wiser

You're just toeing the party line

3; From the west side to the east side

From the north side to the south

You'll never get bad information

If you believe in the word of mouth

4; Look out for those who still want to hang on

Look out for those who live in the past

Get out and listen to the whisper

Because the times are changing fast

5; From the west side to the east side

From the north side to the south

You'll never get bad information

If you believe in the word of mouth

6; You don't believe the information

You don't believe it when it's denied

So when you're reading explanations

You have to read between the lines

7; From the west side to the east side

Through the windows I'm looking out

You'll never get bad information

If you believe in the word of mouth

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