its no coincidence that bird flu and the treaty currently occupy centre stage

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Trump Case used as a distraction like "9/11" or WW2 as a diversion away from the WHO Pandemic Agreement Vote on June 1st https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/trump-case-used-as-a-distration-like

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Delegates to the 77th World Health Assembly Please help to identify the contact info for the people who are purportedly "representing" your nation at the 77th World Health Assembly. Customize the template email and send it to all of them. https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/delegates-to-the-77th-world-health Here's my list. Nuremberg 2.0 Public Trial Begins vs Top 100 Wanted for Covid Crimes Against Humanity Chief Justice presents the evidence on their Most Wanted posters for printing and distribution where legal and lawful. https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/nuremberg-20-public-trial-begins

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Nuremberg 2.0 News May 25-31st - Countdown Week to the WHO Agreement Treaty. ALERT! Bird Flu Lockdowns Coming? W.H.O. Bird Flu Fearmongering Begins Before Election + Bird Flu Fact Checking by the Chief Justice of Nuremberg 2.0 https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/nuremberg-20-news-may25-31st-countdown

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